
martes, 28 de abril de 2015

Planificación de mi unidad AICLE

Hola a todos, aquí comparto  con vosotros la planificación de mi unidad AICLE.

Template to design a CLIL didactic unit

Subject: English-Literature                                                           Teacher: María Peña Morales
Title of the Unit: I love Shakespeare!                               Course / Level: 4º E.S.O.  
1. Learning outcomes
 / Evaluation criteria
To know the most important facts of Shakespeare´s life
To recognize the main characteristics of Shakespeare´s work
To distinguish different kinds of literary texts
To identify the different parts you can find in a theatre
2. Subject Content
  • The characteristics of Shakespeare´s Works
  • Relevant facts and dates of Shakespeare´s life
  • The most influential plays and sonnets
·         Historical background: XVI-XVII Centuries

3. Language Content / Communication

-       Nouns: masterpiece, sonnet, poetry, drama, narrative, novelties, tone, play, background, biography, inn yards, tragedy, comedy, patronage, Renaissance, playhouse, couplet, chronology, fidelity, traitor…

-       Verbs: be born, marry, become, die, develop, show, demonstrate, retire, attack, build, increase, interweave, kill, revenge, realize, publish, provide…

-       Adjectives: fresh, sarcastic, exquisite, serious, light, witty, innovative, natural, foreign, dramatic, fashionable, wealthy, prominent, outstanding, romantic…

Prepositions: through, till, by, with, concerning…

-       Routines: Who is your favourite writer? Why? Do you know any writers from the past? Have you ever read poetry? Did you like it? Have you ever gone to the theatre? What did you like most?

-       Content: Present Simple, Past Simple, was/were, comparatives and superlatives (more serious, the most relevant, not as good as…)

-       Classroom management: expressions of personal opinions such as I prefer, I like/love, I’m not very fond of, I agree/disagree, I can´t stand, I don’t mind, in my opinion, from my point of view…and expressions showing understanding and misunderstanding: Can you repeat, please?, I don`t understand, I see what you mean...
Discourse type
Narration, description, dialogue and poetic discourse
Language skills
Writing, Speaking, Reading, Listening and Interaction
4. Contextual (cultural) element
To learn relevant aspects and literary background of England in order to develop their knowledge and respect for other people´s cultural heritage.
5. Cognitive (thinking) processes
Know, understand, analyze, create
6. (a) Task(s)
      -    Webtask about Shakespeare’s life
-       Two tasks about Sonnets and Plays
6. (b) Activities
-       Readings
-       Matching activities
-       Quizzes
-       Answer the questions
-       True or false activities

7. Methodology
Organization and class distribution / timing

The methodology will be active: the students should participate and express themselves with confidence. They are going to work in different groupings: individually, in pairs, in groups and the whole class, in order to develop their autonomy and their relationship with others.
This unit will cover 6 sessions of 50’ each. (This is an approximate number of sessions).
Resources / Materials

Visual, textual and auditive materials are going to be used: texts, pictures, videos, exercises as well as other resources extracted from relevant webpages. The computer room and the interactive whiteboard are two important elements which will be very useful to present and work in this unit.
Key Competences
 The students will develop the following competences:
·         Learning to Learn
·         Linguistic competence
·         Treatment of information and digital competence
·         Cultural and artistic competence
·         Autonomy and personal initiative
8. Evaluation (criteria and instruments)
Evaluation Criteria: The student should be able to:

-       Express their own ideas and preferences
-       Work collaboratively putting ideas in common
-       Identify the main parts of a theatre
-       Name the most relevant facts of Shakespeare´s life and work
-       Use different sources of information autonomously

Evaluation instruments:

To know what our students have learnt after this unit, it is important to use different kinds of instruments:
-       Observation of the students
-       Direct questions to ensure comprehension
-       Oral exam
-       Valuation scale from 1 to 10 (used for the main tasks)
-       Self-assessment

Feel free to use this template. Thanks for attributing the source.

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